Demeter's House

{August 20, 2010}   Man, I wish there was vodka in that cranberry juice


When you’re in a long-distance relationship, you tend to have a *lot* of sex with your partner when you do get to see each other.

Especially if your boyfriend greets you at the door looking handsome as hell in a suit.

Nico’s got a tie-wearing sort of job, but when I see him he tends to be in his comfort clothes, big comfy t-shirts and shorts. So to see him dressed up, just for me . . . yeah, there was going to be a lot of sex.

He took me to a restaurant where a meal costs as much as I spend on groceries each week (man, we have vastly different careers) and first we sat at the bar and drank martinis . . . then we drank a bottle of delicious Argentinean wine with dinner . . . and then we went back to his house and drank more wine . . . yeah, there was going to be a lot of sex.

So much so that I passed out from happy exhaustion.

That was just the start. We had this weird moment of cosmic alignment where the oddest thing happened–we actually got to see each other for five days. In a row!

So we had “I finally get to see you” sex, and then, as the last day neared, “I’m not going to see you for awhile 😦 ” sex.

In short, there was sex.

Did you know that a lot of sexual activity can lead to urinary tract infections? Oh god.

I seriously haven’t been this miserable since I was a kid and had horrifically painful chronic UTIs due to an odd disorder–my urethra was twisted up like a pretzel. A surgeon fixed it right up and freed me from that misery for thirty years. Til now.

God I am miserable.

Nico feels terrible. Like most men, he knew nothing about sex sometimes leading to UTIs. I think he even looked it up on WebMD (which I find rather cute). I wish he was in town to hold me and stroke my hair and bring me more cranberry juice.

But, dear heaven, there’s no way in hell I’d have sex with him if he was here.

Honey says:

Yeah, I am prone to UTI’s as well. They are pretty awful – you have to pee within 5 minutes after you have sex, every time! Buy some AZO Standard for the pain/urgency (this is available at any grocery store) and take your antibiotics.

And hey, you can always blog about how you finally met Honey for some drinks 🙂

You know, once when Jake was living in Metropolis and I was living where you are now, he got off work and DROVE TO ME still in his suit because he knew I thought it was sexy. Menswear is hawt.

demetershouse says:

Menswear is SO hot. Jesus.

Kevin says:

I remember Keri getting UTIs. She never mentioned I was the cause of them. She hasn’t had any in years, so now I guess I know why.

demetershouse says:

Kev, that makes me sad. I mean, I’m glad that she hasn’t had UTIs in awhile, but . . .

demetershouse says:

Nico got the boyfriend gold star. I was so miserable that I went to urgent care on Saturday . . . and when I came out of the exam room, there he was in the waiting room. (Of all the seats, he’d chosen the one I’d been waiting in–I thought that was cute.)

Almost done with my Cipro . . .

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