Demeter's House

{April 21, 2010}   We’d like to offer you the job . . . maybe

In February I got myself a new job at Giant State U. They called and offered me the job, then sent me an offer letter, too. I was happy. I found a kick-ass school for my kids not too far from Giant State U and started searching for a place to live, started lining up my friends with trucks to help me get my stuff two hours north.

Yeah, but I didn’t have a contract.

And our state is in a financial crisis.

I got an email yesterday from my would-be new boss saying that if a new tax doesn’t pass in the upcoming election, I won’t have a job there. Me, and all the other contract instructors in the department.


So I’m scrambling around, trying to line up other work.

This sucks ass.

Honey says:

Even current employees will be screwed if that law doesn’t pass, since the vote occurs enough in advance of the end of the fiscal year to mean they can terminate huge swathes of people if necessary. I’m worried, too…

demetershouse says:

And terminations will come. They are already adding more furlough days at my current university.

Luckily, I will still have my assistantship here if things don’t work out up there. They gave me classes but aren’t going to open them for enrollment until I hear what happens up the road.

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